How to Safely Co-Sleep With Your Newborn in the Perfect Bedroom Setup

Safely co-sleeping with your newborn doesn’t start in the moment you down with them in your shared room set-up…it starts well before that moment.

Because setting up your room for safe and comfortable co-sleeping is the easiest way for you to get more hours of rest during the night. While feeling the satisfied peace of mind that comes from knowing your baby is lovingly and sweetly snoozing beside you.

Some parents begin their transition to co-sleeping by researching safe co sleeping positions and getting excited for the many co-sleeping benefits they can expect to enjoy in the days ahead. (Ones like an easier nighttime nursing routine and deeper bonding between you and baby, just to name a few!). A newborn safely co-sleeping in bedside sleeper | babybay cosleeping crib

These can be helpful places to begin your co sleeping journey. But once you’re really ready to take the next steps in learning how to safely co-sleep with newborn, thinking through the specifics of your baby’s soon-to-be sleeping environment is the peace of mind-delivering best next step. 

There’s a good reason for that: While there are many ways to co-sleep, but not all of them will gift you with the sound nights of stress-free rest that you’re looking for. 

So before you go all-in on co-sleeping with your little one, ask yourself 2 big questions. Ones that guarantee that you’ll soak up all the beautiful co-sleeping benefits that are available to you. While still guaranteeing that your safety remains top-notch.

What safe co-sleeping positions will work best considering my home setup? 

Experts are in agreement: when your baby is first brought home, the safest place for them to sleep is close by your side. (That way you’ll be able to respond to every need with super-parent speed!)

But sleeping close by your side doesn’t necessarily mean sharing your bed. 

Truth is, your baby’s body will not be properly supported by the super-soft mattress, plush comforters, and soft-as-a-cloud pillows you love. 

Especially during the first months of their life, your baby needs a clean and firm sleep surface that will support them. Particularly as they spend long hours of the night laying on their back and catching some much-needed Zs. 

While pillows and cozy comforters might be the bedding-of-choice for adults, your baby is quite skilled enough to unroll themselves from any tangled situation they might get into. Which means that all that softness should be saved for when they grow a little bit bigger. 

Safe solutions like bedside co-sleepers offer your baby a way to be by your side while still getting the support they crave. They can rest on a made-just-for-them baby bed mattress that provides comfort and proper ventilation. While you rest easy while being surrounded by your comfiest blankets and silkiest sheets. 

Mother looking at daughter in safe co-sleeping co-sleeper | babybay bedside cribs

And though it might seem like bedside co sleepers that securely attach directly to your bed aren’t an option for families living in small spaces, compact co-sleeper models can naturally fit into any room. While still making it easy to turn your bedroom into a baby-loved co-sleeping space. 

How do I create a healthy environment when sharing my bedroom with baby? 

There are several best practices when it comes to sharing bedroom with baby that get said on repeat. Like how important it is to keep the room smoke-free and keep the temperature not too cool, not too hot.

And sure, you might feel like you’ve been there, researched that when it comes to those much-repeated best practices. But there is still one big every-parent-should-know safety concern that still comes as a surprise to most parents. 

Here it is: your baby’s sleeping materials might not be as non-toxic as you think they are. 

Most bedside co-sleepers, baby cribs, and baby bassinets on the market are full of toxic finishes, harmful chemicals, and damaging hard plastics that can wreak havoc on your baby’s still-developing body and immune system. 

That’s why it’s so important to choose a bedside co-sleeper (and stash of baby products in general!) made of non-toxic, all-natural, eco-friendly wood and harm-free finishes. 

Cute baby in co-sleeper | babybay cosleeper cribs

And when it’s time to buy sheets and a mattress pad for your baby to sleep on, look for ones that provide proper ventilation while being made of chemical-free materials and baby-friendly cotton and polyester fabrics

How to Safely Co Sleep With Newborn: The Benefits of a Bedside Co-Sleeper

For parents who are just starting to explore co-sleeping, it’s easy to feel like you’re desperately trying to fit all pieces of the co-sleeping puzzle into one, clearly-readable, easy-to-implement way for both you and baby to rest easy through the night. 

And while many parents toss and turn with worry, wondering…A baby resting in a bedside co-sleeper, an alternative to wooden cribs | babybay bedside co-sleepers

Have I perfectly designed my co sleeping space for baby to sleep easy? 

Does baby have what they need to feel safe and supported as we sleep? 

Have I chosen a safe co sleeping position that will help baby—and me!—rest stress-free all night long? 

Having the right co-sleeping bed securely attached to your bedside can take all the guesswork out of how to safely co-sleep with newborn

It can feel like a challenge to adapt your made-for-adults bedroom into a perfect-for-baby safe sleeping space. 

But bedside co-sleepers make it possible for you to create the perfect safe co-sleeping space for your baby. Without needing to throw away your existing mattress or sheets. Redesign your own bedroom space. Or spend a single minute of much-needed sleep time wondering whether baby is feeling nurtured and supported in the way they need.

Sounds like a dream, doesn’t it? 

How to Co-Sleep with an Infant Safely Using a Bedside Sleeper

Whether you’re welcoming your first little one into the world or have plenty of practice co-sleeping with newborns: getting a full night of rest is probably at the top of your priority list. Luckily, it’s pretty easy to take the guesswork out of how to co-sleep with an infant in the perfect sleep set-up. One that will deliver you total peace of mind while delivering your little one a full night of Z’s. 

Let’s start with the most basic: while some co-sleeping methods (like bed-sharing) are likely to leave you tossing and turning with worry for baby’s safety, a safe bedside co-sleeper helps you sleep soundly — while baby catches plenty of Z’s of their own! 

Let’s break down all the reasons why bedside co-sleepers are the no-brainer way that parents support their own rest. While leaving your little one resting peacefully all night long.

Here are 4 ways that bedside co-sleepers help you and baby get the quality sleep with an infant you crave:

1. Bedside co-sleepers make nighttime nursing easy-as-can-beAn infant resting in a bedside co sleeper | babybay Bedside Bassinet

You can expect your baby to double their weight in the first five months of their life. All that growing takes a lot of energy! 

Combine that need for a nutrient boost with a tiny tummy that can only take in a little milk at a time. And what do you have?

Answer: the perfect formula for frequent feedings through the night. 

For parents who choose a detached crib or baby bassinet, those frequent feedings will mean constantly pushing back the covers, getting out of bed, leaning down into a crib, and trying to find a position that will let baby feed…without you feeling uncomfortable. 

And though your body and mind will both be ready to get some rest once baby is fed and you’re back in bed, getting comfy in your pillows and blankets again is going to take some time. 

With bedside co-sleepers, baby is always within reach. 

That means you’ll be easily able to give baby what they need without taking long walks across the room. (Because trust usthose extra steps add up fast!) And without moving from the comfortable space of your own bed to find a space to breastfeed baby elsewhere. 

Which is good news! Because the less disrupted your sleep feels, the easier it will be to fall right back into dreamland.

2. Bedside co-sleepers help you quickly care for every concern while co-sleeping with an infant

Hunger isn’t the only reason your baby might cry during the night. 

They might not love the temperature of the room. Or could be trying to let you know that a soiled diaper is causing them discomfort.

They might even just be calling out for a little extra love. 

Being within arm’s reach of your baby helps you quickly — and easily! — take stock of what baby needs. In fact, you won’t even have to leave the comfort of the covers when caring for baby’s cries. Which won’t just help you get more shut-eye during the night. It will also help your body’s regulate in a healthy way.

In fact, researchers have found that your baby’s body deeply senses your closeness.

When you co-sleep with infant, your little one’s body temperature naturally (and healthily) raises slightly, while they also use energy more efficiently and breathe more regularly.

A mother watching a baby safely co-sleep | babybay Bedside Co-sleepers

3. Bedside co-sleepers make it easier to co-sleep with twins and multiples

For families with twins or multiple newborns, the question isn’t how to co-sleep with an infant and wake up well-rested. The question is how to co-sleep with infants and get any rest at all. 

And while some parents quickly decide to give each baby a crib or baby bassinet of their own, this adds time and distance during every feeding or crisis call. 

But a bedside co-sleeper for twins can support both babies in safe comfort. Without you needing to get up or push off your covers to care for their needs. 

When your babies are in a bedside co-sleeper for twins, their bodies and minds feel the impact. 

Experts believe that when twins sleep together, they’re reminded of the nurturing feeling of sharing a womb. This gives their healthy growth a boost while helping synchronize their feeding and wake-up patterns during the night. 

That synchronization is key. Because the more in sync your babies become, the fewer times you’ll be called to care for them—leading to far more sleep for you! 

4. Bedside co-sleepers set your mind at peace 

When baby isn’t close by, it’s easy to be filled with thoughts of what might be going wrong.  

But bedside co-sleepers make it easy to check that baby is sleeping safe and sound. 

An infant co-sleeping in a bedside co-sleeper | babybay Bedside Bassinet

That means you’ll spend less time wondering and worrying about how baby is doing—and more time getting the sleep you need.

babybay bedside co-sleepers are committed to making peace of mind a priority. 

That’s why every babybay bedside sleeper is made of locally-sourced and eco-friendly beechwood that is naturally antibacterial and antistatic. babybay bedside co-sleepers are also free of the toxic wood glues, cheap fillers, plastics, or other harmful chemicals that fill most other cribs, baby bassinets, and bedside co-sleepers

Because for most parents, figuring out how to co-sleep with infant and wake up well-rested can be a challenge. 

But babybay believes that better rest is possible—and is committed to delivering nights full of sweet, sound, and long rest to families like yours. 

[Choose your babybay]

How to Co-Sleep with Twins (Safely and Without Any Stress)

Between frequent feedings, diaper changes, and nurturing baby through every fuss — getting a full night of sound rest can be a challenge for any family with a newborn. But for families with twins or multiple newborns (which is what we assume you are, if you’re on this page wanting to figure out the secrets behind how to co-sleep with twins!), getting enough shuteye during the night to care for your babies and tackle all the to-dos of the day can sometimes feel less like a challenge…and more like an impossible-to-achieve dream. 

But luckily, twins don’t have to mean the end of your co-sleeping dreams. Because there are ways to co-sleep with twins soundly, safely, and comfortably, while taking away all the stress and second-guessing about how to make your night routine go smoothly.

In fact, co-sleeping makes it easier (not harder) for families with twins to get restful nights of sleep. You just need the right safe sleep tools and how-to help in your back pocket.

Why Co-Sleeping with Twins Makes Your Nighttime Routine Easier 

Two twins co-sleeping in a bedside co-sleeper | babybay Bedside Bassinets

When your baby is first born, they need a lot of milk to grow big and strong.

But they also have a very tiny tummy, which means the adult-loved method of getting three meals a day just won’t cut it.

Though every baby is a little different, you can expect your little ones to feed every 1-3 hours during their first days and 2-4 hours during their first months.

When it comes to twins, you can expect to multiply that feeding schedule times two.

And while other newborn twins sleeping arrangements will require you to get out of bed every time a nighttime feeding call comes and reach over crib bars to give your babies what they need (a walk and reach-down that isn’t too bad the first time around, but can feel much longer and more comfortable the more times it has to be done), co-sleeping lets you care for your little ones without even getting out of bed.

With the right bedside sleeper for twins securely attached to your bedside, you’ll be able to nurse and nurture both of your babies without needing to get up, make frequent trips across the room, or uncomfortably reach down into a more traditional crib or bassinet. 

And you can do it all without worrying about whether your set-up is safe, because you’ll know they have a made-just-for-them sleep space that is expertly-engineered to provide for their comfort while delivering all the benefits — for both you and them — that co-sleeping brings.

Good news, right? Here’s the even better news: according to the University of Notre Dame’s Mother-Baby Behavioral Sleep Laboratory, sleeping close to your babies offers necessary physiological regulation and support

That means sleeping close doesn’t just make things easier for you, but offers your babies the sensorial stimuli they need for healthy emotional development and better resilience in body and mind (among many other co-sleeping benefits!). 

What is Co-Bedding and Why Is It Often Considered the Best Sleeping Position for Twins?

Though co-bedding and bed sharing are sometimes used interchangeably, when it comes to twins or multiples, they mean something very different. 

Two co-sleeping twins looking into the camera | babybay Bedside BassinetsIn the context of twins, co-bedding refers to the practice of letting multiple babies of very similar ages share a sleeping space such as a bedside co sleeper, a twin crib, or a twin baby bassinet. 

Experts are increasingly celebrating co-bedding as a way to mimic the nurturing feeling that twins experience when they’re together in the womb, which provides them with comfort and settles their emotional and physical systems. 

In a clinical study carried out by Dr. Helen Ball (Director of the Durham Infancy & Sleep Center), babies who slept together through the night were able to enjoy greater sleep pattern synchronicity. 

That means that twins who sleep together are more likely to sleep at the same time — and wake up at the same time too!

So instead of waking up to care for one baby, going back to sleep, and then being called awake again to care for your other baby who needs attention, you’ll be able to meet both of your babies’ needs at once (and spend all that saved time getting some much-needed shut-eye!).

Co-Sleeping with Twins: What are the Best Newborn Twins Sleeping Arrangements? 

A brother looking over a bassinet at newborn twins sleeping arrangements | babybay Bedside Bassinets

Though some parents wonder whether encouraging their babies to sleep in the same space will lead to restless sleeping patterns between the two or awkward positioning that can get in the way of their sound sleep, all the research suggests that twins sleep better (not more restlessly!) when they’re together. 

And when it comes to helping twins or multiples co sleep soundly, there’s no best practice when it comes to positioning.

Though most twins sleep side-by-side for the first month, you should feel free to let your twins shift to head-to-head, feet-to-feet, or side-by-side diagonal without concern. 

No matter what twin co sleeping position you choose, research has proven that all twin co-sleeping positions are equally safe, comfortable for your babies, and supportive of long and restful sleep. 

How to Co-Sleep with Twins (The Easy Way!)

With a bedside co-sleeper, co-sleeping with twins becomes even easier. 

Like all babybay bedside co-sleepers, the babybay Maxi Tall is designed to give your babies a made-just-for-them sleeping space to feel supported and nurtured all through the night. 

With one “such good news!” catch  it’s specifically built to support twins. A bedside co-sleeper in a bedroom | babybay Bedside Bassinets

And unlike most bedside co-sleepers and cribs out on the market, your babybay is made with 100% eco-friendly, durable, and sustainably-sourced beechwood (and free of all the toxic chemicals, glues, and polishes that you’ll find in most cribs and bedside sleepers). 

With the babybay Maxi Tall securely attached to your bed, your baby will stay snug while you gently watch over them from just an arm’s reach away. This bedside co-sleeper is also specially designed to provide your babies the extra wiggle room they need to sleep soundly together — without fighting for space or feeling cramped. 

And any time you decide that a twin crib or bassinet for twins will fit your family’s needs better, you can easily convert your babybay Maxi Tall into a standalone baby bassinet. (So that you have plenty of ways to support your babies’ growth and sound sleep as you co-sleep with twins!)

Co-Sleeping Family Milestones: How to Start and When to Stop Co-Sleeping

How to start, when to stop co-sleeping: every co-sleeping family will have a slightly different journey. That’s because every family is unique, and so is every family’s needs.

But no matter the ins-and-outs of your family’s uniqueness, most people start here: when your baby first comes home, the ideal place for them to sleep soundly is by your side in a bedside co-sleeper or other safe sleep tool specially designed to keep them safe, secure, and enveloped in a hug of love all through the night. 

Co-sleeping family with mother in bed and baby in co-sleeper | babybay bedside sleepers

(Why is a safe sleep tool like a bedside sleeper preferred? Because too-soft bedding can pose risks when your baby hasn’t quite hit the developmental milestones to easily roll out of it yet.)

But over the next few months, your baby will grow from a newborn into a crawling, playing, keep-you-on-your-toes toddler. And when that time comes, you may begin thinking about the best age to transition from co-sleeping with your family’s own special timeline in mind. 

How Your Co-Sleeping Family’s Journey Will Be Unique

Every baby is unique, and so is every co-sleeping family. That means that every co-sleeping journey will look a little different. 

But no matter your family’s special co-sleeping timeline, it can be helpful to check in at different milestones during your baby’s first few months to stay aware of both baby’s development (as well as your family’s needs).

Checking in during these early months can help you make decisions about the best age to transition from co-sleeping down the road. (Even if that time still feels far, far off for you right now!)

No matter when you decide to stop co-sleeping, the good news is that co-sleeping with your baby during their early life has left them well-prepared to take on sleeping (and the world, while they’re at it!) all on their own. 

Co-sleeping helps your baby develop sensory awareness, meaning that they’ll easily be able to tell the difference between comfort or crisis and restor call for your helpaccordingly. 

Mother and baby holding hands during co-sleeping journey | babybay bedside sleepers

Your baby has also had plenty of time to nurture a deep and meaningful relationship with you, which means they will feel surrounded and supported by your love even if you’re sleeping farther than an arm’s length away. 

This means when the time to transition from co-sleeping comes, you and baby will be more than ready to tackle all the nights of snoozes and sweet dreams ahead. 

When to Stop Co-Sleeping: The 5 Month Milestone 

Baby’s first few months set the stage for a lifetime of healthy growth. 

That’s why co-sleeping during this part of baby’s life is such an important tool in their grow-big-and-strong toolkit. 

By catching their first few months of z’s in a designed-just-for-them bedside co-sleeper that fits flush against your bed (meaning you’re always close by!), baby will benefit from a boosted immune system and better supported emotional and physical development. 

That’s why it’s important to take full advantage of all the co-sleeping benefits your bedside co-sleeper can offer in these early months of baby’s life.

Though Europe tests and endorses bedside co-sleepers through baby’s first year, the United States has yet to expand their testing and endorsement procedures past five months of age. 

However, experts agree that sleeping close to your baby is still best practice through the first year of their life. 

That means around five months might be the right time to start taking stock of how baby has grown and decide whether it might be time to start transitioning your baby into a crib or convert your co-sleeper into a bedside bassinet or whether they’re still comfy-as-can-be where they are.

When to Stop Co-Sleeping: The 9 Month Milestone

Baby in bedside sleeper | babybay bedside co-sleepers

When it comes time to fully decide when to stop co-sleeping, developmental stages and family needs are more important indicators than age. 

That’s because all babies are unique, and their growth stages are going to be just as unique as they are. 

Likewise, no two families are the same. What works well for one family might cause nights of restless tossing and turning for another. 

It’s a good idea to check in with your baby at the 9 month milestone to make sure that co-sleeping is still the best sleeping solution for them (and you!). 

If baby has started feeling confident enough in their mobility to move from the safe space of their bedside co-sleeper into the maze of blankets and pillows that you keep on your own bed, it might be time to think about keeping baby more secure with a standalone baby bassinet or crib. 

Those blankets and pillows you love to curl up in and keep close can quickly become a safety hazard to baby. Though baby might be learning to be a confident crawler at this age, they still haven’t quite figured out the art of being an escape artist. 

(Ready to learn more about how to co-sleep safely? We’ve got you covered!)

And when it comes to plush bedding that can easily wrap around them or cover their head, those escape artist skills are much-needed to assure fully safe sleeping throughout the night. 

But remember: at the end of the day, only you know the co-sleeping timeline that works best for your family. 

The Big Takeaway

The day when it’s time to stop co-sleeping with baby will come. 

Baby smiling in bedside co-sleeper | babybay bedside bassinets

But when it does, be excited to walk with baby toward their next milestone!

Because baby has been co-sleeping all life long, their body and mind are ready to take full advantage of all the developmental benefits and conquer every new adventure that comes their way during nights ahead.

And just because baby is ready to transition their bedside co sleeper into a bedside bassinet or sleep in a crib all their own doesn’t mean they have to go far. 

If you choose to stop co-sleeping around one of these early milestones, you can still help support baby’s next stage of sleep by positioning their baby bassinet or bedside crib right against your bed, or moving it no more than a step or two away from your own mattress. 

Mother and baby in bassinet crib | babybay bedside sleepers

That way, baby will still be able to feel your loving presence offering comfort from close by, even as they adjust to the feeling of sleeping in this new space that is fully their own. 

As baby becomes more comfortable in their bedside bassinet or crib (and as space in your bedroom allows), you can slowly move baby’s sleeping space farther and farther from your own bed. This will help baby gradually develop confidence and awareness that you’re nearby to help, even when you’ve stopped co-sleeping and are farther than an arm’s length or two away. 

And on the day you decide it’s finally time to stop wondering when to stop co-sleeping and start really moving your baby to a crib and room of their own: just know they’ll feel well-prepped for this next important step. 

3 Big Benefits of Co-sleeping with your Newborn




When was the last time you actually felt rested? 

Can’t remember?

We totally get it. Those late-night feedings are exhausting, especially during the initial weeks after giving birth.

Imagine how rested you’d feel if you didn’t have to get out of bed every 2-3 hours to feed or soothe your newborn.

No more tip-toeing your way back to the crib, praying not to wake your baby. 

No more frustration when, you finally find a comfortable position, only to be woken up moments later. 

…sounds too good to be true, right? Not anymore. 

Parents all over the world have started getting the sleep they desperately need by switching over to babybay’s Baby Bedside Sleeper.

Uniquely engineered to lock into beds of all sizes and heights, this co-sleeper is changing the game. 

Now, you can enjoy all the benefits of co-sleeping, and the closeness of bedsharing, without compromising safety. 



James J. Mckenna, Director emeritus of the Mother-Baby Behavioral Sleep Laboratory at the University of Notre Dame, found that,

“Parents serve as a kind of biological “jumper cable,” or outsourced regulator, to a newborn baby when she is completing her gestation outside her mother’s body. When parents and babies sleep together, their heart rates, brain waves, sleep states, oxygen levels, temperature, and breathing influence one another.”

In basic lingo, this means, your baby’s development relies on being close to you. Even outside of the womb, our bodies sync together for prime developmental functioning. The separation that comes from a stand-alone crib can get in the way of this. 

Does this mean you have to stay joined at the hip? No. But, it shows that simply sleeping nearby makes it possible for them to grow big and strong. Amazing, right? 


Hearing the beating of your heart and the in and out of your breath can be incredibly soothing to your baby. Depriving them of this for 6-8 hours at night means babies cry more often, needing your closeness to soothe their anxiety. 

Babies who co-sleep generally cry less, wake less often, and allow you to sleep for longer periods of time.

Added Bonus: You get to wake up next to a smiley baby!



Parenting guru Dr. Sears  found during his studies that:

“Babies who sleep close to their mothers enjoy ‘protective arousal,’ a state of sleep that enables them to more easily awaken if their health is in danger, such as breathing difficulties…Infants who sleep near their parents have more stable temperatures, regular heart rhythms, and fewer long pauses in breathing compared to babies who sleep alone. This means the baby sleeps physiologically safer.”

When it comes to defending against dangers to your baby, there is no substitute for your care. Co-sleeping makes it possible to familiarize with all the sounds your baby makes.

As part of your natural-momma-bear instinct, (part of the physiological syncing mentioned above,) your body stays alert even while sleeping. If something is off, you can count on your body to sense it — and, in the event of an emergency, this can make all the difference for the safety of your baby.   

The babybay Baby Bedside Sleeper is a leader in safety for co-sleeping with newborns. All of our sleepers undergo rigorous safety inspections, and must receive domestic and international safety certifications before ever going out to you.  

If you’re ready to start getting a better night’s sleep, with less stress, and more opportunity to connect with your baby then, it’s time you meet our bedside cribs. 90% of the world’s families are already co-sleeping their way to better nights. Isn’t it time you expected more for your family?

Meet the babybay co sleeper cribs

Sleeping with a Newborn: Top Safety Tips and Comfort Tricks

Babies sleep a lot. By “a lot” we mean that you can expect your baby to sleep 16-18 hours a day throughout the first year of their life, waking in 2-3 hour intervals to feed, get changed, and be coddled back into peaceful slumber. (No wonder it’s so hard for parents who are sleeping with a newborn to wake up in the morning feeling rested and recharged!)

Adapting to your baby’s schedule is hard enough. But add confusion or concerns about the correct newborn sleep position into the mix and you’ve got a recipe for wakeful nights.

That’s why we’re about to break down everything you need to know about sleeping with a newborn, starting with the “where” of safe baby sleep and ending with the “how” of getting the best new-parent nights of rest possible.

Where Should Baby Sleep During the First Few Months?

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), babies should sleep in the same room as their parents for at least the first six months of life, and ideally through the first year. This is a practice called room sharing, which refers to any sleep set-up where parents and baby sleep in the same room together, thought not on the same sleep surface. Parent holding the feet of baby while sleeping with a newborn | babybay bedside co sleepers

There’s a reason why room sharing is so well-loved by the AAP: not only is it a more convenient choice (making nighttime nursing and responding to any cry easy-as-can-be), but it also puts you in the best location to respond to your baby’s needs in the event of an emergency.

To prevent incidents of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome,) timing is everything. The faster you can respond in the event of an emergency, the better.

By sleeping so close with your little one, you’ll also familiarize yourself with the sound of their breathing over time. This will make you well-prepared to recognize any blockages or other concerns that might need to be taken care of for them to sleep peacefully and safely. 

I’ve Heard About Bed Sharing. Is That Safe?

It is completely natural to want to be as close to your baby as possible. It’s also completely natural to not love the feeling of reaching over crib bars multiple times per night (especially if you’re still healing from a c-section). And it’s totally natural to not want to risk waking up your hard-to-put-to-sleep baby by having to constantly take them out and put them back in their crib. A cute, wide-eyed baby comfortable in safe newborn sleep positions | babybay bedside sleepers

While it may feel like the best option is to let your newborn sleep on your chest or tuck them into your own cozy comforter for a night of sleeping on your own mattress, the AAP clearly states that parents should never share a mattress with a newborn. This also includes putting your baby to sleep on a breastfeeding pillow or placing them in-between you and your partner.

To understand the “why” behind this recommendation, you need to understand that modern means of comfort are not ideally suited for infant safety. To maximize infant safety, your baby needs a flat and firm surface without extra cushioning that could accidentally cover their nose or make it hard for them to move.

(Reminder: your baby just came into this world, they’re still learning how to roll out of unsafe situations or untangle themselves when their breathing is obstructed.)

The sad reality is, accidents from bed sharing account for 50% of SIDS cases. Most of these cases come about from babies becoming tangled into sheets, rolling off the bed, or accidentally getting covered by pillows. 

Luckily, there are now options on the market that allow you to get all the convenience of this close sleeping without having to worry about those risks.

Sleeping with a Newborn Without Risk: What to Know About Bedside Bassinets

When bedside bassinets and bedside co-sleepers first came on the market, they seemed like the answer to many parents’ prayers. Safe sleep tools like the babybay bedside sleeper keep newborns in close proximity to their parents all through the night (in fact, they get to sleep right by their parents’ side!), while still giving them a sleep space that’s perfectly designed to suit their safety needs. A child looking over a bedside co sleeper where a newborn baby sleeps | babybay bedside bassinet

Parents who choose to sleep with a bedside sleeper can still experience the nighttime ease of nursing and comforting without getting out of bed, while knowing that their little one is sleeping on a mattress that meets all crib safety standards. In this way, your baby can be nurtured through close-as-can-be room sharing, without you having to worry about any of the risks that come from bed sharing.

The Best Newborn Sleep Position: Sleeping on the Back

Back sleeping will always be the safest option for your newborn baby. This position keeps your baby’s airflow clear and open, which prevents chocking and leads to easy nights of catching Zs for both you and them. Unlike sleeping on one’s side or stomach, laying on the back allows for your baby’s natural gag reflexes to take over, which will prevent any obstruction of airflow from occurring. 

Though it’s not totally uncommon to see a baby sleeping on side, this isn’t the newborn sleep position most recommended by the AAP. That’s for one very simple reason: when you have a baby sleeping on side, it’s too easy for them to roll on to their stomach.

Experts have long warned against stomach sleeping, in part because it can lead to overheating or lowered oxygen levels. It will take a few months (normally 4-6) for your little one to learn how to roll to their stomach on their own. When this time comes, you should still continue to put your child to sleep on their back. If they naturally happen to roll onto their stomach during the night, don’t fret.

As long as you continue to put them to sleep back-down, you don’t have to worry about this kind of mid-night rolling.

How to Guarantee a Safe Sleep Surface

Though getting your baby a safe and made-just-for-them baby bed is a good start, you can help your baby stay safe and secure all night long by sticking with a few best practices for sleep accessories.

We completely understand the desire to make your baby’s crib as cozy as possible, but, the AAP recommends keeping cribs clutter-free. For the first year, your crib should only contain a firm mattress and a fitted sheet. Extra pillows, blankets, and toys can all quickly become dangerous if your baby rolls or if something gets pushed over their airways in the middle of the night. 

So keep it simple and remember: when it comes to sleeping with a newborn, less is more. 

What babybay Reviews Have to Say: The Pros That Parents Love

Plastic netting, cheap fillers, screws made of plastic that seem like they can barely hold your baby crib up: so many baby products on the market these days (not to mention bassinets, co-sleepers, and cribs!) are built to be short-lived and quickly outgrown. But from the first day that the babybay bedside sleeper was born as an idea, we’ve strived to do things differently. Whether it’s the 100% solid beechwood construction, first-class safety certifications, or sustainability pledge that keeps parents in love with their bedside sleeper for a long time, this is what the babybay reviews have to say about what makes them choose babybay time after time (and kid after kid!).

Babybay Bedside Sleeper Safety: All the Details on the Top-Earned Safety Certifications 


I have heard so many wonderful things about the BabyBay bedside sleeper from friends and peers, so I am really excited to try it out myself. I love that it’s made from natural materials (hooray for no plastics), and that it bridges the gap beautifully between co-sleeping and crib sleeping.”

– Alivia, ✩✩✩✩✩

When it comes to ensuring that your baby is sleeping safe and snug all through the first six months of their life, room sharing is the sleep approach recommended time and time again by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

If that lingo is new to you, room sharing describes the practice of sleeping extra-close to your baby by sharing a room — but not a sleep surface — with your little one.

Bedside co sleepers like the babybay give your little one a made-just-for-them space to get peaceful rest all night long, with safe locking straps that keep their crib securely attached to your bedside. This sleeping arrangement can be especially helpful for a quick response to nighttime wakings and breastfeeding without the risks that come from keeping your baby in your own bed and sleep space (which is why bedside sleepers get such a gold star when it comes to sticking in line with the AAP’s recommendations for safe sleep). Baby holding finger of parent while lounging in babybay bedside co sleeper | babybay bedside bassinets

When it comes to babybay bedside sleeper safety, parents aren’t the only ones raving. The babybay bedside co sleeper has been certified safe by some of the top certification standards, including ASTM International, TÜV Rheinland, and Confidence in Textiles (where it was awarded an Oeko-Tex Standard 100 Class 1 for babies certification — meaning it’s free of harmful regulated and unregulated toxic substances and materials).

Easy Access and Full Convenience with the Babybay Crib Conversion 

“I looked everywhere for a co-sleeper that was functional, made with natural materials and wasn’t plasticy looking. I loved that i found this! It’s beautiful, works well and seamless to put together. Works everywhere next to our bed.”

– KP, ✩✩✩✩✩

Even if you don’t need a bedside option, the bassinet conversion kit makes it easy for the babybay to be used in any room of the house. Adding the rolling casters adds even more convenience to your babybay crib conversion opportunities by allowing your bassinet to roll from room to room as needed.

The space-saving design of babybay also allows you to easily push it through doorways and find a useful place to put it to good, rest-giving use in any room of your house or apartment. This can be especially handy for parents working at home or in smaller homes with multi-use spaces — and that kind of adaptability isn’t a happy accident, but a convenience-making choice or expert engineers made as they set construction of the first babybay in motion.

Toddler Time: How Your Babybay Original Grows as They Do


We just ordered the BabyBay Bassinet for our second baby. It was very easy to put together and is very well made. We wish we had this for our first born. I recommend this bassinet over all the plastic flimsy ones on the market. I plan to reuse this as a bench or desk in the kids room once they grow out of it. I am so happy I came across their product!”

– Tiffany, ✩✩✩✩✩

Parent watching baby sleeping in babybay bedside co sleeper | babybay bedside bassinets

As your little one becomes more independent, the babybay easily transitions into a comfortable space for young children. That means it’s not just built to be with your family during the early days of your little one’s life, but will stick with you for the long-haul as they grow.

Adjusting the sleep space to a low-level makes a lovely bench space for a toddler. Baskets of toys or books easily slide under the platform to make a self-contained area. The comfortable mattress and a few pillows or stuffed animals make for a comfortable snuggle space for looking at picture books or playing with toys.

That means you have everything you need to make a special corner in the nursery or as a small space in the living room where your child can be comfortable and play independently once they grow out of sleeping in their babybay Original, babybay Maxi, or babybay Maxi Tall (which makes this bedside co-sleeper a perfect win-win in the short and long term!).

[See what other parents have to say: more babybay reviews]